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Heritage Statements -

Often when completing work to historic and listed buildings a Heritage Statement will be required prior to the works commencing and the report will often by needed for an application for planning permission and listed building consent. If work is to be undertaken to a heritage asset it is vital to understand the significance of the asset and also the setting of this asset, assessments must be made as to the impact any proposed works will have on the significance and any benefits which can be gained. The need for a Heritage Statement is often driven by the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and assessments made by following Historic England’s Conservation Principles. Briefly, the Heritage Statement that we produce will include; details of the history and development, a photographic record, survey drawings, an assessment of significance and the impact of the proposed works, a statement of justification and details of any mitigation measures proposed. more


Conservation Management Plans -

Are produced to understand the heritage better, define why it is valued by people and to help to provide better-informed decisions. They are often a requirement for grant applications and can ensure that the assets are better managed and will include policies that help to protect the building's significance. Ideally, this document should be produced at the early stages of a project and not an afterthought so that the significance of the site is protected and the long-term management understood.


Statements of Significance -

Are required when works affect a heritage asset, these can be listed buildings, buildings in conservation areas, locally listed buildings, places of worship and registered parks or archaeological sites and are used for obtaining permissions and consents or grant applications. They will also be required for a planning application including those to non-designated buildings if the work which is being carried out affects the setting of a heritage asset. The document sets out what makes the heritage significant and is a detailed description of the buildings evolution and its life. Significance can be derived from its physical features and also its historical importance with links to events or people in the past including any historical events that have happened nearby. On completion, the document provides an invaluable record which can be used to assess the impact on the asset from possible physical changes or proposed new uses. They also act like a handbook and can be useful for newcomers to familiarise themselves with the building.


Feasibility Studies -

Incorporate the information which has been gathered by the production of several documents and architectural plans to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and threats of a proposed project and to explore any opportunities that exist. In their composition sustainable new uses are investigated with an options appraisal, repairs and new works are identified and total costs are then calculated. The existing situation of asset and background information is recorded and any permissions researched. Valuations are obtained for the building prior to and after works have been completed and the conservation deficit is calculated. Often this type of report will be required for grant applications and can also be called a viability study or development appraisal.


Heritage at Risk Assessment -

Can be used to assess the condition and threats of one heritage asset or a group of heritage assets and can be produced for individuals or groups including local authorities. The assessment will consider the condition of the asset and where applicable the occupancy and also identify the level of risk. Outcomes will help to bring the asset to the attention of those who wish to prevent the loss of the heritage and help to prevent further decay by managing the risk.


Historic Building Recordings -

Are used to produce a record of a standing heritage asset prior to any works being undertaken or demolitions and can often be a planning requirement. A measured and photographic survey of the building is undertaken for the production of architectural drawings and a written report that shows the historical development and significant phases. Building recordings are categorised in four levels with the basic being a level 1 which identifies the buildings age, location, type, materials and includes basic drawings and photographs of the exterior and any significant features. A level 2 recording is similar to a level 1, but will include all of the exterior and interior with a more detailed conclusion of the building development. In addition to this, level 3 is an analytical record and will include more documentary evidence and a full set of measured drawings. The highest level is 4 and this comprises of a more comprehensive analytical record and more detailed research with in more depth discussion into all items of the building's significance.


If you are considering works to a heritage asset or have already embarked on a project and require any of the above, we would very happy to quote for your requirements. Heritage assets and their needs vary and so do the type of reports which are required for many different situations. If the report that you need is not listed above then please contact us.




Requires funding and good management

Grant Applications & Funding

Though the costs of some of the work we undertake will be meet directly by the client, often projects will involve some alternative methods of funding which will source for you. These funds may come from grant providers who require detailed applications to be completed with additional documentation and detailed financial information. Our experience and knowledge of this process can make the difference to making your application a success.


Architectural Design

Quality architectural drawings are required for recording details of the asset and to show repairs, alterations and any additions. They communicate ideas and concepts which enable clients to understand the project and are instructions for those who are undertaking the work, often they are essential for grant applications and for the gaining of permissions and approvals. All of our architectural work that we completed is to a high standard and BIM compliant and can often involve a fabric first approach to sustainable design.


Project Management

Good management is essential to make the project a success and this should be considered and budgeted for from the outset and in some cases, this cost can be included within funding applications. We can management your project at every stage and ensure that work is completed to your satisfaction and to that of any grant providers. Once the construction stage of your project is finished, we can continue to undertake the long-term management and maintenance requirements of the building.


Surveys & Inspections

To keep a historic building safe and to reduce the costs of repairs it is important to undertake regular inspections, complete repair schedules and maintenance plans. We will arrange for these to be completed in the time schedules that you specify and produce all of the required certification and ensure that repairs meet the required standard.

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